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This play began as a Zoom performance for the 2021 Wrights of Spring Festival at DePaul University. I worked with the actors to craft character and analyze relationships. This process also provided Grace with the opportunity to hear her work and edit through out our readings. 

As of 2022, the play has been staged in person.


Pieces That Remain

By Grace Lowry 2021


Photo Descriptions:

Slide 1: Poster art. A dark blue to red sunset sits in the background. The moon is visible. The silhouette of a girl is reaching up towards the moon. The title "Pieces That Remain" are center left of the girl.

Slide 2: Playwright festival poster. An orange background with a cartoon city at the bottom. A superhero flys at the top left. The name, "Grace Lowry" sits beneath the hero. The poster art from slide 1 sits top right.

Strange things happen in Dune Valley all the time. Upside down rain, disordered star patterns and trees that grow at an angle. 
But to Daphne Hall, the strangest occurrence is that her sister Josephine was here last year, and now she’s not. Now a Black Hole sits above the town, and Daphne Hall is sitting in the desert with the two people she never could have imagined spending the night with:
Ella Jones, the girl who knows too much, and Maxine Dooley, the girl who says too little. When both Ella and Max start to reveal their connections to Josephine’s last night in Dune Valley, all three are led down a rabbit hole of memories, revelations, and understanding what it is to mourn.

Play Description


Written by Grace Lowry

Directed by Claire Hayes


Cast: Danielle Chmilewski (Ella Jones), Dylan Cohen (Josephine Hall), Zoe Gray Mazza (Daphne Hall), Hallie Newell (Maxine Dooley), Olemich Tugas (Westley Jones), and Oskar Westbridge (reporter).


Produced by the Wrights of Spring Festival at The Theatre School

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