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My Work


My View

I create multidisciplinary theatre and mixed media performance.

 I enjoy challenging conventional methods of communication.

 I desire to share stories that are universally human.


"Ultimately, there is no such thing as failure. There are lessons learned in different ways."

- Twyla Tharp



Claire and I work together as House Managers at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance. I've seen firsthand that Claire excels in management. She is confident and sure of her decisions, even when faced with situations that we haven't encountered before. I think her skill comes from a passion for leadership and the arts. When I started at the Harris, I was a House Manager and Claire was an Audience Services Representative (ASR). When I heard that the company wanted to promote an ASR to a House Manager position, Claire was the first person I thought of. It was clear to me from when I first saw her work that she was management material. I have no doubt she will do great things in the world of Arts Management.
| Ally VerSteegh, House Manager |
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